Arizona Genealogical Advisory Board
Arizona Genealogical Advisory Board

About Us

The Arizona Genealogical Advisory Board (AzGAB) is an incorporated non-profit society under the laws of the State of Arizona.
  • The primary purpose of AzGAB will be to improve communications among genealogical societies, libraries with genealogical collections, professionals, and the general public.
  • AzGAB will express its concern regarding records preservation and public access to records.
  • AzGAB will promote such special projects as the organization approves.
  • Membership shall be open to any genealogical society, group, library, professional or individual sharing these purposes with the State of Arizona without taking autonomy from any organization or individual or acting in any supervisory capacity.
Our Objectives are to:
  • Facilitate communication among organizations and individuals who are dedicated to the promotion of genealogy and family history. 
  • Facilitate and foster an atmosphere for the opportunity to educate its members and the genealogical community with regard to information resources, standards, and ethics.
  • Facilitate the dissemination of information to its members with regard to the availability, the use, and the preservation.
  • Keep its members informed of the changes in legislation with regard to the preservation of records and the public access to those records. AzGAB shall express its concern regarding these issues where it is appropriate.
  • Undertake and promote such projects as the Arizona Genealogical Advisory Board of Directors approves.
Membership shall be open to any public or private society, group, library, museum, professional or individual researcher, and family historian sharing the purposes of this organization. Each member society shall retain its own autonomy as an organization.
To download a history of the Arizona Genealogical Advisory Board, click here.

Operating Year: January - December 2025

President: Anne Bodine
Vice President: Duane Roen
Secretary: Linda McCleary
Treasurer: Angela Roche
Historian: Ed Storey
AZ State Research Lib (STARL): Kori Tueller (STARL)
Black Family Genealogy & Hist: Lamont Monroe (BFGHS)
Family History Soc of Arizona : Vacant
Genealogical Society of Yuma: Anne Bodine
Phoenix Genealogical Society: Koreen Sloulin (PGS)
Southern AZ Genealogical Soc: Debra Kabinier (SAGS)
West Valley Gen Society: Linda McCleary (WVGS)
Immediate Past President
Past President: Betsy Gottsponer
Standing Committee Chairs
AZ Pioneer Certificate: Peggy Morphew
Legislative: Betsy Gottsponer
Membership: Karen Feeney
Newsletter Editor: Karen Feeney
Public Relations: Betsy Gottsponer
Social Media: Debe Branning
Publications: Leo Jurgens
ACGLP Co-Chair: Suzanne Brayer
Audit Committee: Vacant
Audit Committee: Vacant
Audit Committee:
AZ Gen Societies Meeting List: Linda McCleary
Budget & Finance: Angela Roche
Bylaws Committee: Vacant
Events Calendar: Karen Feeney
NGS Delegate: Linda McCleary
Nominating Committee: Betsy Gottsponer
RPAC Liason: Linda McCleary
Socal Media: Debe Branning
Web Manager: Karen Feeney