Arizona Genealogical Advisory Board
Arizona Genealogical Advisory Board
New Membership

Join AzGAB the fast & easy way!
  • To join online and pay online, select your membership level from the list below and click the Next button.
  • Complete the new member form, clicking the Next button after each page.
  • Select the payment method you want to use, review the information you entered, then click the Confirm and Check Out button.
  • Click the Buy Now button to pay using a credit card or your own PayPal account if you have one. (PayPal will processes all payments.)
Membership Plan:
Select Membership Plan:
Membership Plans Offered:
Plan Name For Maximum Associated Members Annual Fee Partial Year Description
Individual Person(s) 1 $15.00 Beginning October 1, the remainder of the year is included with the next full year's membership.
Professional Person(s) 1 $15.00 Beginning October 1, the remainder of the year is included with the next full year's membership.
Society Organization 2 $30.00 Beginning October 1, the remainder of the year is included with the next full year's membership.
Library Organization 2 $30.00 Beginning October 1, the remainder of the year is included with the next full year's membership.